Meet Our Board
President: Rev. Alex Ojacor, Ph.D.
Rev. Alex grew up in Ongutoi Village, the primary target areas of CORE. After witnessing the destruction of many livelihoods in Ongutoi due to years of tribal conflict, civil war raids, and the onset of HIV/AIDS, Rev. Alex and other community members decided to organize efforts to support the vulnerable children, those hardest hit by the challenging times.
It was with his vision and persistence that the organization was founded and began to make its first impact on the children’s lives. Now, he guides the organization through the scale-up process as the children continue to receive truly valuable assistance. Rev. Alex is also a professor of Theology in National Seminary Ggaba in Kampala, Uganda and the National Spiritual Director of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Uganda. Rev. Alex is a valued mentor and spiritual leader to many, and he stands as the dedicated Founder and current President of CORE.
Second from right, back row.
Vice President:
Ryan Buddenhagen
Ryan met Rev. Alex in 2008 and joined him on a visit to Ongutoi village that year before spending time in Tanzania conducting research on communication in development projects. Taken by the warmth of the Ongutoi community and inspired by the significant impact early initiatives were making, he has worked through the years to help operationalize CORE’s efforts.
Board Member: Aimee Lugay
Aimee has been involved with CORE Uganda since 2016. She was drawn in by the simplicity of its mission..."To impact the most vulnerable of children through education." Aimee continues to be inspired by these children who flourish, smile, laugh, pray, and play despite their challenges and hardships.
Director of Fundraising: Annette Bennett
Annette heads all fundraising efforts for Core Uganda and is a lead for the organization’s logistical operations in Berwyn, IL. Annette’s passion and expertise have been essential for building community around CORE’s mission and facilitating fundraising efforts that realize CORE’s vision, enabling the desired impact for Soroti children on the ground in Uganda.
Collective Team
In addition, we have a broader group of team members in Uganda and around the world who have done excellent work in years past and continue to do so today.
Dr. Angel Lugay (RIP), Shubhi, Sandie Bulmann, Mary O’Halloran, Kate Kapvera, Brian Thierman, Steve Olavarria, Therese Finn, Terry & Diane Connelly, Kathy Haas, the St Leonard Church community (Berwyn, IL) and many others
These individuals deserve recognition and thanks for their efforts, from assistance with service delivery on the ground in Ongutoi to overall logistical support, fundraising, and direct donations. We look forward to continuing our work together and achieving sustainable impact for the Ongutoi community.